
Kodiak Kronicle

Kathyrn School News

January 8-12, 2024

Principal: Mrs. Kelly Huck

Assistant Principal: Ms. Angela Rott

School Phone Number: 403-935-4291

School Website:

School Email:

Message from Administration

Dear Kodiak Families:

It was wonderful to see all the students back, we hope everyone had a great winter break! The weather has not been very kind to us this week, please remind your students to dress appropriately so they will stay warm.

Alien In-Line skating is joining us next week. Please remember to return your permission forms if your student will be participating. Thank you to all the volunteers who are helping out with this- we appreciate all of you!

Stay warm and stay safe this weekend, hopefully the weather will be a bit better next week!

What’s Up at Kathyrn

January 15-19: Alien In-Line Skating

January 25: Hot Lunch, Edo (Deadline to order is Jan 20th)

January 30: Leadership students visit Airdrie Care Community

Lost and Found

We have a pair of black and orange glasses hanging out in the office. If they belong to your child please let us know.

Leadership Students

Our leadership students will be visiting Airdrie Care Community on January 30. They will be socializing and interacting with the Senior’s for the afternoon.

Other Important News

Nut Aware

Please keep in mind we are a Nut Aware school. We kindly ask you to refrain from sending nuts with your student to class, we do have significant allergies within the school.

Hot Lunch

Parent volunteers have set up hot lunch again for this year. Families can place orders  by visiting the website: Our next hot lunch is January 25th, from Edo. Deadline to order is January 20th.

Inclement Weather

Rocky View School District is responsible for making the decision to close the schools, it does not fall upon each individual school to make the decision. Please view the link for RVSD inclement weather policy.

Inclement Weather - Rocky View Schools

Keep in mind, the final decision to send a child to school rests with the parents/guardians.

School Council

School Council will host their next meeting on February 13, 2024, at Kathyrn School or by Zoom at 5:00 pm. The Zoom link will be send closer to the date.

CDA Corner

Message from CDA, Ms. Ludwig

When I was a kid, I used to get anxious about going back to school after a break.


My mom wanted to help, so one day she did something special:


She put a little bead in my pocket and told me that whenever I felt anxious, I could touch the bead and say to myself, "I am strong. I am brave. I can do anything."


Why did this make a big difference?


Well, my mom understood that we can't make our kids' anxiety disappear, but we can teach them how to handle it.


With my portable anchor ⚓ and affirmation, I was always reminded that yes, things might feel scary sometimes, but I had the power to deal with those feelings.


So, if your child is dealing with anxiety, consider giving them their anchor and affirmation.

It could be a small rock, a gem, or even a button – something easy to carry without any sewing involved.


And remind them that the real strength comes from within, not just from the anchor. And that inner strength is with them all the time.


This week's parenting guide is all about using the bead strategy to help your child face their anxious feelings.