
Kodiak Kronicle

Kathyrn’s School News

September 8, 2023

Principal: Mrs. Kelly Huck

Assistant Principal: Ms. Angela Rott

School Phone Number: 403-935-4291

School Email:

Message from Administration

Dear Kodiak Families:

We had a wonderful first week welcoming our students back to school for the 2023-2024 school year. We have had a great week of activities and learning!

An invitation has been sent out for families to attend our welcome back to school barbeque on September 21rst. This is a great opportunity to bring our community together and meet your child’s teacher and new staff. We look forward to having everyone join us!

Good luck to all those students participating in the Irricana Ag Society’s 4th Annual Junior Rodeo tomorrow!

What’s Up at Kathyrn

From Ms. Sevcik’s Kindergarten class:

CDA Ms. Ludwig came to the kindergarten class to read a book about the first week of school jitters. Students shared how they were feeling nervous and exited to come to school. Ms. Sevcik read a poem and the class mixed some jitter juice. It was reported by many students that it helped.

Jitter Juice

Have you heard of Jitter Juice?

It's magic and it's yummy!

It makes the butterflies fly away,

Right out of my tummy!

The bubbles in this silly juice

Will help you not to worry.

So grab a cup and drink it up! 

From Ms. Hassett’s Grade 3 class:

Here are some of grade 3 - launching our new science curriculum with creating the longest paper chain with only one piece of paper and the spaghetti tower challenge. 

School Entry and Exit

Bus Arrival

When students are getting off the bus, they will be greeted by a staff member. Kindergarten students will be greeted in the basketball courts and off each of the buses. Grade 1-5 will be greeted, they will line up by their class and will enter the building through the south doors. Grades 6,7,8 will be greeted, line up by their class and will enter the building through the north doors.  

Drop Off

If you are dropping off your student in the morning, please park in the north parking lot and have your student walk through the basketball courts to ensure student safety.

if you are dropping off your student after the beginning of the school day, please have your student go through the main doors and sign in at the office.

Pick Up

At the end of the day, please pick up your student from the basketball courts. This ensures that students are not walking through the parking lot.

Dates to Note for September

September 12: 8:45 Parent Council Meeting

September 21: Welcome back to School BBQ, 5-7pm

September 26: School-wide Terry Fox Walk/Run

September 29: No School, In-Lieu of Truth and Reconciliation Day

CDA Corner


Message from CDA, Ms. Ludwig


Has your child ever gone through a tough time at school to the extent that they didn't even want to go anymore. 


Here’s an idea for you to try the next time your child is going through a tough time at school, it is called the Positivity Jar.

Here's how it works. Together, find a glass jar and make a label. 

Then, before sending your child to school, remind them to pay attention to all the good things that happened during the day: helping someone out, receiving a compliment or a smile, having sunny weather on the playground, and so on.

Make it like a treasure hunt for positivity.

After school, ask your child about all the positive things they noticed that day.

For every positive thing they count, have your child put a Lego piece in their Positivity Jar. 

It’s true that intentionally looking for the positives helps our children train their brains for a more optimistic and grateful outlook on life.

This doesn’t mean we should downplay negative feelings or experiences. It just means consciously working to find a balance.

Because the brain’s job is to keep us safe, it’s wired to look for threats (or negatives). 

So, teaching our kids to recognize all the positivity around them helps them have a more positive, proactive attitude toward life.

This week’s guide “Wiring Your Child’s Brain for Positivity” is a great reminder of how powerful a Positivity Jar can be in helping your child shift their attention to noticing the good things throughout their day.