
Kodiak Kronicle

Kathyrn School News

November 13th-17th, 2023

Principal: Mrs. Kelly Huck

Assistant Principal: Ms. Angela Rott

School Phone Number: 403-935-4291

School Email:

Message from Administration

Dear Kodiak Families:

I would like to thank everyone who were able to attend our parent-teacher conferences this week. Please feel free to touch base with homeroom teachers if you were unable to schedule a conference. Our next conference dates will be March 6th  and 7th, 2024.

Looks like we will have some great weather in the next couple of days, so I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Art Cards

‘Art Cards By Kids’ has extended the order deadline until November 18th at midnight. If you still wish to order, please do so online. If you require your students artwork code, please contact the school and we can provide it for you.

What’s Up at Kathyrn

PL Day, No School for Students- November 20th

PJ Day- November 24th

Hot Lunch- ‘Ihop’ on December 7th (Order deadline Dec 2nd)

Winter Concert- December 19th

Final day of Classes for Winter Break- December 22

Annual Food Drive

Each year, Kathyrn School participates in a food drive for the Irricana Food Bank. Our school goal is 800 items of non-perishable food, and all items can be dropped off in the boxes located in each classroom. This will run from November 21st- December 5th, and if our goal is met the students will receive popcorn and a movie.

Winter Concert

Kathyrn School winter concert will be held on December 19th, with a back-up date of December 21st. The concert theme is “Christmas through the Decades,” and will be held in the afternoon during school hours. More information to come, but we welcome families to attend.

Kathyrn Kodiak Volleyball

Mr. Drummond and Mrs. Adams are coaching our Kodiak Volleyball teams. The Grade 7/8 have a few tournaments coming up, details are:

November 17th at Northcott Prairie School, 5:00 and 6:00 game times

November 24th at Beiseker School, 5:00 and 6:00 game times

December 1st at WG Murdoch School, 4:00 and 5:00 game times

Come on out and support our athletes!


Our school photo orders and retake photos have started to arrive this week. For those students who had photos taken on November 9th, the deadline to order is November 27th. Please order online through Lifetouch, photos should be arriving the beginning of December. If your order is placed after November 27th, it can take up to 45 days to arrive to the school.  

Other Important News

Nut Aware

Please keep in mind we are a Nut Aware school. We kindly ask you to refrain from sending nuts with your student to class, as we do have significant allergies within the school.

Hot Lunch

Parent volunteers have set up hot lunch again for this year. Families can place orders or register your children if you are new to the school, by visiting the website: The next hot lunch is from ‘Ihop’ on December 7th, order deadline is December 2nd.

School Council

School Council will host their next meeting on December 7th at 8:45 am, at Kathyrn School or by Zoom. The Zoom link will be send closer to the date.

CDA Corner

Message from CDA, Ms. Ludwig


Has your child ever come home in tears because one of their classmates, who they thought was their friend, had been making fun of them during school, on the playground, and at lunch.


When they finally tell you what is happening and express their frustration, make sure to validate their feelings.


But also know this is an opportunity to teach them about standing up.


You need to teach our kids that any type of teasing isn’t ever OK. 


Even if your kids think the person isn’t trying to be rude or mean, teasing can still hurt. 


And although you can’t protect your kids from hurt 24/7, you can teach them to speak assertively and stand up for themselves.


You can suggest to your child to try this phrase:


“I don’t like it when you tease me. Friends don’t tease friends.”


This phrase is simple and direct but still respectful. It gives kids a way to stand up for themselves and even others.


This week’s guide, How to Respond to Teasing, is a perfect way to help your child navigate these situations.