
Kodiak Kronicle

Kathyrn’s School News

October 16-20th , 2023

Principal: Mrs. Kelly Huck

Assistant Principal: Ms. Angela Rott

School Phone Number: 403-935-4291

School Email:

Message from Administration

Dear Kodiak Families:

We are busy planning for our next set of events. Twin Day is coming up quickly on Monday. On October 31rst our leadership students will be leading some fun activities in the gym for the younger students for a part of our afternoon. We have also started our planning for our Remembrance Day Service and more information will follow for that event. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Kathyrn School is holding a Remembrance Day Ceremony on November 9th. We are seeking photos of your family members who have or are actively serving, to put in a slideshow. Please include the family member’s name, the relationship to the student/family, which conflict they served in, and the regiment information and email it to Please send your photos by November 1st.  

The leadership students have been busy making plans for upcoming Spirit Days. Our first Spirit day is Monday October 23rd and it’s Twin Day! We encourage students to find another student (or two), and dress the same. The school will be awarding a certificate to the class with the most participation for each Spirit day and at the end of the year the class with the most certificates will win a prize!

What’s Up at Kathyrn

Home Reading Program Begins- October 24th

Kodiak Spirit Day- Dress up Day- October 31st

Photo Retakes- November 9th

No School in Lieu of Remembrance Day- November 10th

Three Way Conferences - November 15th and 16th

We will send out a link to families when we have conference manager completed for families to sign up for a time slot. Interviews will be from 4-7 pm.

PL Day, No School for Students- November 20th

Meet the Staff

Kathyrn Kodiak Volleyball

Mr. Drummond is coaching our Kodiak Volleyball, and Grade 6 practices are in full swing. We have a both a boys and girls team this year, and they have been practicing during lunch hour. There is a tournament coming up on November 3rd- stay tuned for the location!

The Grade 7-8 have a girls team this year, and their practices begin next week. They also have a tournament coming up in November- stay tuned for dates and times!

Kindergarten and Stepping Stones

Stepping Stones has started their 10 week social - emotional skill building program with the kindergarten class called Kimochis. Kimochi means feelings in Japanese. In this photo the class is making first day of school soup. What feelings did you have on the first day of school? Every student added a Kimochi feeling (stuffie) to the soup.

Other Important News

Nut Aware

Please keep in mind we are a Nut Aware school. We kindly ask you to refrain from sending nuts with your student to class, as we do have significant allergies within the school.

October 31

October 31st, is a Kodiak Spirit Day which is a costume and/or dress up day. Students are welcome to come to school in costumes. We kindly ask for no weapons, gore or scary masks. Homeroom teachers will send more information to families about October 31.

Hot Lunch

Parent volunteers have set up hot lunch again for this year. Families can place orders or register your children if you are new to the school by visiting the website: and click register or log into your existing account. The first hot lunch will be October 19th!

Fundraising Event

Art cards have been ordered again by the Fundraising committee. They are requesting the completed cards back (to Mrs. Greenwood in the office) by October 25th, so we have ample time to get them ordered by parents in time for Christmas.


**Volunteers for Home Reading**

We will be starting our Home Reading Program October 24th and are still looking for volunteers to help run the program. This volunteer position involves taking carts of books around to each classroom, have students pick a book to take home, and return the following week. Please check in with Mrs. Greenwood for additional information or to sign-up, With enough help, this would be a once per month or less, volunteer position.  

School Council

School Council will host their next meeting on November 9th at 0845, at Kathyrn School or by Zoom. The Zoom link will be send closer to the date.

CDA Corner

Message from CDA, Ms. Ludwig

How can we teach our children boundaries with confidence?  


First, we need to let them know it’s always okay to say “No” and “Stop” to anyone. 


Second, we can give them the words and phrases to use in situations when they need to speak up.


For example, you can tell your child, “If someone is making fun of you, you can say, ‘Stop, I don’t like that!’ and walk away or go to a teacher for help.”


And when they are older you can guide them on how to respond to peer pressure: 


“When someone pressures you to do something you don’t want to, it’s okay to say ‘no’ and walk away.”


Giving children examples of how to respond in certain situations will build their confidence to speak up when they need to.


This week’s guide “Phrases Your Child Can Use to Stand Up for Themselves” offers an array of additional phrases to equip your child with.