Learning Commons

The Learning Commons is your home away from home to discover, to create, to learn, explore other worlds - Books can take you anywhere!

Your Bibliovation "online catalogue" gives you access to what you have checked out from the learning commons, and you can put items from our library on hold.

  • Username will be: Firstname+middle initial + Lastname
  • Password will be your student number

Please click on the links below for more information.

  • Search Common Sense Media for Reviews - Review books & movies... they will tell you their age recommendations too.
  • Robert Munsch - Select a book and have Robert Munsch read it to you.
  • Learn Alberta - The Online Reference Centre (ORC) is a collection of digital resources provided to all K-12 students in Alberta. You can find the ORC on the LearnAlberta.ca website. When users access the ORC from school they automatically authenticate and are able to use any of the resources without entering a username/password. Users can access ORC from home by entering a username and password. Username: LA53 Password: 4487
  • Federal Government's Privacy Commission website. - There are tons of free resources, in both French and English, for teachers, students and parents at this link. All for free!!!!
  • DKfindout! - Online Encyclopedia
  • Goodreads - Meet your next favourite book!
  • Epic Reads - Read Book Reviews, Videos and Blogs on your favourite Young Adult Novels. For Grades 6 & Up
  • Alberta Guide to Education

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.